iPlace Design:龍巖市位于福建西部,地處閩粵贛三省交界,是內陸鄰海城市,城市歷史悠久,文化底蘊深厚。然而,龍巖現有的市政公園相對陳舊且功能不全,這些老舊的歷史公園雖然一直處在不斷的改造修繕過(guò)程中,但其現有狀況仍然呈現出諸多問(wèn)題;因此,紫金
- 型號:
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- 材質(zhì):
- 功能:
- 產(chǎn)地:
- 類(lèi)別:
- 適用場(chǎng)地:
iPlace Design:龍巖市位于福建西部,地處閩粵贛三省交界,是內陸鄰海城市,城市歷史悠久,文化底蘊深厚。然而,龍巖現有的市政公園相對陳舊且功能不全,這些老舊的歷史公園雖然一直處在不斷的改造修繕過(guò)程中,但其現有狀況仍然呈現出諸多問(wèn)題;因此,紫金
iPlace Design:龍巖市位于福建西部,地處閩粵贛三省交界,是內陸鄰海城市,城市歷史悠久,文化底蘊深厚。然而,龍巖現有的市政公園相對陳舊且功能不全,這些老舊的歷史公園雖然一直處在不斷的改造修繕過(guò)程中,但其現有狀況仍然呈現出諸多問(wèn)題;因此,紫金山歡樂(lè )園的建設在很大程度上完善了現有城市公園體系,不僅給龍巖孩子們一個(gè)美好的童年記憶,更能體現出其作為城市公共空間綠地所具備的重要意義。
iPlace Design: Longyan City is in the west of Fujian Provence, located near the border of Guangdong and Jiangxi Provinces. It is an inland city with a rich history and a profound cultural heritage. However, the current city parks in Longyan do not reflect this proud tradition; they are old and outdated. Although these historical city parks are in the process of renovation, they present many problems and their progress has been delayed. Zijinshan Play Park will not only provide children in Longyan with a memorable playground, it is imagined that it will add significantly to the city’s green open space network.
紫金山歡樂(lè )園的主要規劃和場(chǎng)地設計的挑戰包括:一條主要道路將場(chǎng)地切成兩半,將停車(chē)場(chǎng)到達區與公園主體分開(kāi),設計采用一座人行天橋將兩側用地聯(lián)系起來(lái);并且場(chǎng)地坡度較陡,局部大于10%并包括一個(gè)陡峭的山頂。規劃將所有的部分地塊區域緊密組織在一起。
The main planning and site design challenges of the Play Park include: a major roadway cutting the site in half, separating parking from play, and requiring a pedestrian bridge connection; and challenging site topography in excess of 10%, and including severely-steep hilltops. The overall plan creates multiple connections to bring together all the parts of the park.
▼場(chǎng)地鳥(niǎo)瞰 Site aerial
▼視頻 Video
? 龍巖紫金山體育公園投資開(kāi)發(fā)有限公司 市場(chǎng)部
紫金山歡樂(lè )園位于龍巖紫金山體育公園住宅區南側,占地10公頃用地,為多年齡兒童提供了一個(gè)隨性玩耍的無(wú)動(dòng)力游樂(lè )公園。在這里,我們希望能為孩子們提供一個(gè)放開(kāi)束縛,回歸天性,同時(shí)在玩耍的過(guò)程中探險學(xué)習, 寓教于樂(lè )的“歡樂(lè )園”。這里也是一個(gè)為家長(cháng)重溫童年,和孩子享受親子時(shí)光的場(chǎng)所。
The Longyan Play Park is a multi-age children’s play facility on 10HA of land within the Zijingshan Sports Park Residential Community, in Longyan. In designing this play park we hope to provide a “Happy Playground” in which children can relax in nature, while exploring and learning through play. It can also be a place that reminds parents of their own childhood, and inspires them to enjoy precious time with their kids.
▼入口旱噴廣場(chǎng) Entrance square with dried fountain
設計之初,團隊考察了國內許多剛建成的各類(lèi)兒童樂(lè )園,其中不乏網(wǎng)紅作品,考察中發(fā)現許多項目活動(dòng)場(chǎng)地缺乏綠化覆蓋、無(wú)喬木遮陰,導致夏季設備暴曬過(guò)燙,嚴重影響游玩體驗感。因此,如何在設計中采用自然巧妙的遮陰方式解決夏季游玩問(wèn)題成為了項目考慮的一個(gè)重要因素。
At the beginning of the design, the team visited many reputable children’s parks recently built in China. We found that many play sites lack green areas with big shade trees. This has caused the play equipment to become overheated in the summer, seriously impacting the play experience. The creation of natural ways to integrate shade within play became one of the key design factors of this project.
▼從螞蟻工坊的滑梯上可以一下滑到跳跳云 Children can slide down from Ant Farm to a pressure-inflated jumping facility.
設計亮點(diǎn):場(chǎng)地的設計結合不同的功能區域,均栽植有大量遮陰樹(shù)木,并且在設備器械材質(zhì)的選擇時(shí)優(yōu)先考慮更耐熱的塑料材質(zhì),大程度上避免場(chǎng)地暴曬、金屬器械受熱過(guò)燙等使用的弊端。設計師同時(shí)將設備結合大規格喬木種植一起規劃,假以時(shí)日,綠蔭環(huán)繞或水環(huán)境散熱的兒童游樂(lè )園,會(huì )成為孩子們童年曠日持久的回憶。
Design highlights: There are a large number of big shade trees nicely nestled into many different park play areas. When choosing play equipment, it is critical to select heat tolerant materials such as plastic, versus metal, to avoid overheated surfaces from sun exposure. The designers carefully laid out the play areas that combine play equipment and experiences into a green or water-cooled area. This green children’s park will become a strong lasting memory for its users.
▼攀爬區 Climbing area
歡樂(lè )園的主要組成部分包括:人行天橋、水上樂(lè )園(包括清水池和沙湖池)、旋轉木馬、斜坡上多個(gè)攀爬和滑梯設施、跳跳云(充氣膨脹跳躍設施)、噴泉主廣場(chǎng)、貫穿場(chǎng)地的主題軌道小火車(chē)、以及多個(gè)包括滿(mǎn)足票務(wù),食品和飲料,更衣等其他需求的服務(wù)建筑。
The main components of the Play Park include: a pedestrian bridge; a waterpark (including a water pool and a sand pool; a carousel court; multiple sliding venues on site slopes; a pressure-inflated jumping facility; a fountain-jet entry plaza; a themed, on-track Choo-choo train for kids and adults; and numerous support buildings for ticketing, food and beverage, toilets and other supporting functions.
▼歡樂(lè )水世界 Water world
對于該項目,美國International Place Design LLC (簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)iPlace)提供了整個(gè)項目的總體規劃,景觀(guān)概念和景觀(guān)方案設計,擴初和施工圖由當地設計院配合。歡樂(lè )園的一期已于2018年秋季實(shí)施開(kāi)放。歡樂(lè )園是繼紫金山體育公園延續全區強體健身戰略主題之后,又一個(gè)重要的設施組成部分。
For this project, International Place Design LLC (iPlace) provided the overall master plan, concept and schematic landscape design of the whole project. Phase one was implemented in the fall of 2018. Input for design development and construction documents was provided locally. The Play Park is a strategic component that strengthens the fitness-based identity of the Community.
▼全景觀(guān)光小火車(chē), 不僅是個(gè)代步工具, 也是園區一大特色, 頗受大朋友小朋友的歡迎 Sightseeing train is not only a means of transportation, but also a major feature in the park, which is popular among visitors.
▼一大片沙地和綠坡也為家長(cháng)孩子們提供了一塊自然凈土,大家可以在這里盡情奔跑,釋放熱情,回歸自然 A wide sand and green slope also provide parents and children with a natural pure land where they can enjoy running, release their enthusiasm and embrace the nature.
▼總平面圖 Plan
▼設計分析圖 Analysis diagrams
蟻穴為原方案的一大亮點(diǎn)——設計師希望借鑒自然界螞蟻洞穴的特點(diǎn),在場(chǎng)地中塑造一個(gè)奇趣探險的“迷宮”。小螞蟻們勤勞任力,團結合作;螞蟻工坊帶有不同功能的倉室隧道,錯綜有趣;小孩們在此樂(lè )而忘返,勇往探險。
Ant House is one of the highlights of the original plan, the designer is inspired by the characteristics of ant nest in nature and create an interesting “maze” with exploration in the site. The ants are hardworking and cooperative. There are storehouses with different functions in Ant House, which is enjoyable and attractive.
▼“蟻穴”平面,立面圖 Plan, Elevations of Ant House
項目名稱(chēng):龍巖紫金山兒童歡樂(lè )園
項目設計:2017年4月-2018月1月 (總體規劃和一期)
設計面積:10公頃 (150畝)
設計公司:美國International Place Design LLC(iPlace Design) (總體規劃和景觀(guān)設計)
主創(chuàng )及設計團隊:iPlace Design: Steve Garbier(總體規劃師,景觀(guān)建筑師);Jinfang Gong;Takako Oji;Song Xia;廖聰生(甲方項目負責人,景觀(guān)設計師,施工管控項目負責人)
合作方:廈門(mén)佰地(景觀(guān)施工圖);奇特樂(lè )集團漢斯游樂(lè )設計工作室 設計師漢斯.多明戈 王艷(游戲設備設計)
攝影:龍巖紫金山體育公園投資開(kāi)發(fā)有限公司 蓋霆
游戲設備商:金龍游樂(lè )集團(雙層轉馬與小火車(chē)軌道);日本太工株式會(huì )社(跳跳云)
Project name: Longyan Play Park Master Plan and Landscape
Client: Longyan Zijinshan Sports Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.
Location: Longyan, Fujian Province, China
Design time: April 2017-January 2018 (master plan and phase I)
Completion time: November 2017-October 2018 (Phase I Construction Completed)
Area: 10 hectares
Design firm: International Place Design LLC(iPlace Design) (master plan and landscape design)
Chief designer and design team: iPlace Design: Steve Garbier (master planner, landscape architect); Jinfang Gong; Takako Oji; Song Xia; Congsheng Liao (project manager, landscape designer and construction control project manager from Party A)
Collaborate with: Xiamen Baidi (landscape construction drawing); Hans Domingo and Yan Wang, Designer of Qitele Hans Amusement Design Studio (Playground Equipment Design)
Photography: Ting Gai from Longyan Zijinshan Sports Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.
Playground Equipment Manufacturer: Golden Dragon Amusement (Grand Carousel and Train Track); MakMax (Pressure-inflated jumping facility)